Secret Pop

Jun 11, 2003


Amongst the many old things I have been collecting, I found a letter dated September 24, 1942, from a Mister Herman C. Rodencal, writing from Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, to his wife, who was apparently receiving her mail at Conkeys Book Store in Appleton. (From another letter, I learned that her name is Vera.) It is written in pencil, in a fine hand, on white paper that is turning brown at the edges. It required three cents to mail. This is some of what it says:

                                                                                          Thur, 4:15 --

     I had such a nice birthday. I came up to the room this noon and there was a whole stack of mail. I couldn't understand so much mail. I took time out to open every one and then went back to eat lunch. Thanks so much dear and say thanks so much to Mother & Anita & Lester. Do you know -- I had 8 cards & a letter. Boy talk about getting mail -- I wonder what the mailman thought -- I bet he knew it must be my birthday.
     I feel okay again -- must have had the stomach flu or something. It's there a little bit yet but I'm really okay -- I was in bed by 4:45 and woke up when Dad came in at 7:30 and went back to sleep and slept most of the nite until the alarm went off. The lodge where we eat gave me some orange juice -- I felt a little foolish coz none of the other men had it but it went down very nicely and today my lunch tasted good.
     Its raining so we aren't going to work tonite. Dad & I may go to a movie after supper. Just as we were ready to leave the yard it snowed. Sort of wet but it was snow and now its wet out -- doesn't know what to do.
     My birthday has been nice honey. Thanks to the many cards -- I can't wait for my gifts until Sat -- The work went good and I felt better so all is well. Be seeing you soon -- honey -- We'll be eating at Bill's tomorrow eve. Sat isn't far away -- and I'm not sorry --

                                                       I love you dear --
                                                            a kiss for you on my birthday --
                                                                 and more Sat -- XXXX
                                                                           Always your

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