Secret Pop

Nov 18, 2003

Score in the Barter

Hillary was able to use my Junior Senior tickets, and she was super swell enough to buy me what is described to be a really rockin' shirt. I'm sorry I missed the show. Doubly so because Ima Robot opened. Triply so because my rehearsal tonight was not entirely necessary for me and, while the day was not a bust, it was hardly an essay in fulfillment.

The house smells of Mongolian barbecue, which I had to cook for myself. My mom tricked me. But after cooking my portion and some for my dad and some for Justin, the air was choked with hot pepper and char and all sorts of delicious pungence. We coughed and blinked our eyes in delight.

I think I write more when I'm away from home because there's nearly nothing else for me to do. Luxuriating in a bath and standing watch at the hearth can only murder so much time. I'm going away now. But it's very possible that I'll be back.

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