Secret Pop

Dec 6, 2001

"No time for love, Charlie Brown."

It is a great, gorgeous day today in Hollywood, California, USA. I had a nice lunch with my friend Tom at the Farmer's Market and wished I hadn't had to get back to work. Ever. Unseasonal heat and a bit of sunlight put me in the mood for a nap.

I, as usual, can't believe the passage of time. That it's Christmastime already. That it's been nearly three months since that whole September 11th thing. That it's been a year since any number of things. And my life isn't demarcated the same way anymore. Under ordinary circumstances, I would be dreading the hectic rehearsal and performance schedule of "Traditions of Christmas" down at Copley Symphony Hall. It will be strange to not be ushered through the seasons a show at a time anymore. Those were obligations I had come to depend on.

Sarah will be here tonight. I hope we will have a great, memorable time. Fast parties and fast food are on the agenda. When will a girl get a chance to rest?

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