Secret Pop

Nov 5, 2002

Tenebrous Tasks of the Trod-Upon

I got my vote on.
I met my deadlines.
I responded as was necessary.
I deleted as was appropriate.
I bared my shoulders and slipped on my sunglasses.
I walked downhill.
I opened my heart and closed it again.
I snapped a few pictures.
I punched a hole and let a little soul leak out.
I felt the weight of it all.
I noticed that sometimes my lips make me look like a bird.
I frowned some.
I waited for things that did not show themselves.
I stopped waiting.
I envied.
I questioned.
I got in a funk.
I put one foot in front of the other and hoped it would take me somewhere.
I gave voice to secret thoughts that were never so secret.
I gave in to it.
I gave up.

I am never more myself than when I am not.

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